

Workshops will be on the 1st and the 3rd December. All the workshops are open to all the conference participants. The following workshops have been accepted for AI*IA-10.

WS1: Artificial Intelligence and Argumentation: computational and philosophical perspectives

co-chairs: Guido Boella, Massimiliano Giacomin, Fabio Paglieri

Argumentation theory is an interdisciplinary research area whose study, rooted in philosophy and logic, extends to diverse research fields ranging from linguistics to psychology. Nowadays, it is receiving an increasing attention in Artificial Intelligence. The aim of the workshop is to collect contributions (mainly from the reserach community in Italy) reflecting the state of the art of the research in the field of Theory and Practice of Argumentation, with particular emphasis on interdisciplinary perspectives and approaches arising from cooperation among scholars from the computational, theoretical and philosophical research fields. Contributions that promote knowledge sharing and synergies between different research perspectives are particularly welcome.

WS2: Future Perspectives for Semantic Technologies in Enterprises

co-chairs: Piero Poccianti, Francesco Mele

Semantic technologies have been introduced and investigated in the last years essentially for supporting the vision of the Semantic Web. On the other hand, the contexts and scenarios where the modern enterprises operate these days pose new requirements to their ability of managing information, processes and services in an effective way. In particular, the need of precisely specifying how the enterprise's activities, processes, capabilities, components, resources and technologies relate to the enterprise's missions, goals and measurements is often pointed out. Also, the need of sophisticated collaboration tools, data governance techniques, and service management tasks emerge as important requirements that enterprises have to meet in the near future. For all the above reasons, recently, the interest in applying semantic technologies in enterprises has grown considerably. The workshop aims at exploring this promising directions, by pointing out the problems that can be addressed by semantic technologies, by investigating the types of semantic tools that can be used in enterprises to address such problems, by illustrating some ongoing experiences in real cases, and by looking at possible future development of semantic technologies in enterprises.

WS3: Human Language Technologies for Italian (Workshop of the Natural Language Processing Group of the AI*IA)

co-chairs: Roberto Basili Bernardo Magnini

The workshop aims at providing a broad overview of recent activities in the field of Human Language Technologies (HLT) in Italy. During the workshop, both students and researchers will have the opportunity to participate in a unique forum where a number of relevant initiatives for the community will be presented and discussed. Specific sessions will be dedicated to: ongoing National and International projects where Italian groups are involved; evaluation of systems and resources for the Italian language; current needs and opportunities for curricula in HLT in Italy; industrial initiatives targeting the HLT market for Italian; distinguished PhD theses in the area; significant events and conferences organized in Italy.

WS4: State of the Robotics in Italy (Meeting of the Italian association for Artificial intelligence work group on Robotics)

chair: Antonio Chella

The aim of the meeting is the analysis of the situation of research grants for robotics in Italy. The meeting will focus on the presentation and discussion of financed and non-financed research projects (PRIN, FIRB, local community and university-financed projects, regional and EU projects, co-operation with companies) that involve research units that belong to GLR. The goal is the exchange of experience and information on the research directions and the financing sources that appear more promising and in which the Italian research units are mainly active, in order to clarify the situation of research financing in Italy in the field of robotics. The meeting will close with a panel discussion on the future perspectives of Italian robotics.

WS5: 4th Italian Workshop on Planning & Scheduling jointly with 28th Workshop of the UK Planning & Scheduling Special Interest Group

co-chairs: Simone Fratini, Alfonso Gerevini, Derek Long, Alessandro Saetti

The UK PlanSIG is meeting once again in 2010, jointly with the 4th Italian Workshop on Planning and Scheduling. The PlanSIG workshop is (usually) a yearly forum where academics, industrialists, and research students can meet and discuss current issues in an informal setting. We especially aim to bring together researchers attacking different aspects of planning and scheduling problems, and to introduce new researchers to the community. The Italian Workshop on Planning and Scheduling has been held less frequently than the PlanSIG workshop, but it has very similar spirit and goals.

WS6: Technological Challenges and Scenarios of the Ageing Society

chair: Stefania Bandini, Luigia Carlucci-Aiello, Ludovico Ciferri

The workshop is co-organized by the AI*IA "Intelligenza Artificiale nelle Aziende" Working Group and the SWAS initiative. The workshop goal is to provide the AI*IA firms with a clear overview of the problems related to Ageing Society and the technological challenges offered by them, as well as the possibility to concretely reflect on the definition of innovative research projects proposals. Relevant experts of the area will be invited to present the challenges of the new Ageing Society scenarios in order to outline directions for Research and application in the Artificial Intelligence field from the Medical, Technological and Industrial perspectives. Part of the workshop will be devoted to discuss the possibility to create a new AI*IA Working Group on the relationship between Ageing Society and Artificial Intelligence: the meeting will be chaired by Luigia Carlucci-Aiello (University of Roma "La Sapienza" and honorary member of the AI*IA).