Student Grants

Student Grants

The Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence offers travel grants, which partially support the travel, the accommodation and the meal expenses, for the participation of students in the 11th AI*IA Symposium on Artificial Intelligence. All candidates should

    • be enrolled in a Bachelor, Master or PhD program or be recently graduated from a Bachelor/Master program;

    • be a member of AI*IA;

    • have good English skills.

The candidates should send the travel grant application to Fabrizio Riguzzi within November 1, 2010, including:

    • the personal data, the phone number and the email address;

    • a one-page (at most 500 words) curriculum vitae of the candidate. Bachelor/Master students should include the average mark; recently graduated students should include the graduation mark;

    • a letter from a researcher/professor including an assessment of the current status of the candidate (i.e., student/recently graduated);

    • a budget estimating the travel, accommodation and meal expenses (excepting the symposium registration fee that cannot be refunded by the grant)

    • the amount of the requested grant (that must be lower than 600 euros and lower than or equal to the estimated budget).

The applications will be evaluated by the commission formed by

The commission will evaluate the submitted applications, and will select the students that will receive travel grants. The selected students will have to confirm their participation in the symposium in 2 days. After the event, the selected students will have to send the copy of the certificate of attendance,

the receipts of their travel, accommodation and meal expenses to the AI*IA secretary . Finally, they will have to send a short (English) report about the event, which will be published in journal "Intelligenza Artificiale" or in similar journals.

For additional information on this call, please contact Fabrizio Riguzzi .