AI*IA 2010

11th AI*IA Symposium on Artificial Intelligence

Brescia (Italy), December 1-3, 2010

Welcome to AI*IA 2010

The 11th Symposium on Artificial Intelligence of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AI*IA 2010) will take place in Brescia, Italy, December 1-3, 2010.

AI*IA 2010 is organized by the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AI*IA - Associazione Italiana per l'Intelligenza Artificiale), which is a non-profit scientific society founded in 1988 devoted to the promotion of Artificial Intelligence. The society aims to increase the public awareness of AI, encourage the teaching of it and promote research in the field.

The symposium will consists of six workshops, a doctoral consortium, and a plenary session including five invited talks by leading scientists working in some important areas of artificial intelligence.

Download the Symposium Poster


December 20th: More than 200 pictures of the symposium are available here. In case you have other pictures of general interest, please share them with us.

December 6th: The proceedings of the Doctoral Consortium are available here.

November 25th: The general program of the symposium has been published.

November 25th: The program of the workshop on "AI and Argumentation" has been announced.

November 24th: The program of PlanSIG 2010 has been announced.

November 12th: The detailed program of the plenary session (Dec 2nd) has been announced.

October 29th: New invited speakers have been annunced!

October 29th: Early registration has been postponed to November 3.

October 20th: The invited speakers have been announced.

October 19th: The general preliminary program of the symposium is now available!

October 15th: AI*IA offers travel grants to support the participation of students in the symposium.

October 12th: Registration is now open!

October 12th: The preliminary program of the workshop "Human Language Technologies for Italian" is now available!

October 1st: The preliminary program of the workshop "Future Perspectives for Semantic Technologies in Enterprises" is now available!

September 15th: The submission deadline of the doctoral consortium has been extended to September 27.